Eight Hours to Live

Posted on May 21, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , |

Eight Hours to Live

Live Life!

The news hit me hard today. Eight hours to live rang hard in my ears and echoed like an eagles cry in a deep rock canyon. OK! Maybe that was a little to dramatic…..sorry..

Could this be true? Could this be happening to me? Why me?

Ok, it’s not true, I’m not dying, at least not yet

Did you ever feel like your life was set on a course that you were powerless to change? Does it seem like your work week starts on Monday and ends on Friday, and then you get a twenty-minute break called “The Weekend”?

Do you work hard to pay for things you bought with money you didn’t have, to impress people you don’t like?

The title of this post reads “Eight Hours To Live” Ok Randall quit beating around the bush.
I have never considered myself a person with strong time management skills. Related to that I had an idea that I can’t shake from my head.

We all have been given the gift of time. Some more, some less. We all have 24 hours every day to live our lives. I like to break things down to the simplest form.

We basically have three blocks of time within that 24 hour period. If we can focus just for a second I think we can break the cycle of wage slavery without it being too complicated.

Eight hours to work (if you are a “normal” person). Eight hours to sleep (it’s plenty). Eight hours (To do what ever your little heart desires).

Eight hours to Sleep.
Dedicate yourself to eight good, healthy, relaxing, refreshing, healthy sleep. This is so important. You need it, you deserve it. Read about getting great sleep time on Annabel Candy’s Blog This is one-third of your day and one-third of your life It is essential to get this sleep to accomplish all that you have to do and to be sharp while you are doing it!

Eight Hours To Work

Wherever you find yourself working now has been totally your choice. You one day walked into that place and eagerly begged for the job that you now have. I get sick and tired of people who complain and blame the place they work at for all of their problems. You are there by choice. If you’re not happy, do something about it. In the meantime you have to “gut it out”. Work like you actually want to be there. I know it’s difficult, I’m doing it right now! Well not technically right now, I’m actually at home (can’t blog from my work computer), that would be cheating!

If you hate your job, that is what this post is all about!

Eight Hours To Live

We have a choice with the time that we have at the end of the day

What did you do last night after work? How did you spend your time? Was it spent in front of the television watching mindless “entertainment” (What passes for entertainment these days is shocking) while being marketed to? Did you know that you are not focusing on anything when you watch t.v.? Watch someone watch tv sometime. It’s like someone momentarily distracted at a bird they see out the window, only with tv they are in a total state of distraction for hours.

I would suggest we don’t do that anymore

Eight hours to live is all about your life Begin to log in to your life. Begin taking control of your life by documenting where and when you spend your time. Make a word document or just a small notebook to record your time. Begin to be accountable for your time, it will reveal those areas of weakness and or opportunities that you have concerning your time.

When you know where all of our time went you will start to make different decisions about how you spend it. You may call it “Designing the Perfect Day” What would your perfect day look like? If you only had eight hours to live how would you spend it?

Design your perfect day and begin to mold your time to it. Remember, you are the gatekeeper of you own lives. Life’s stresses come when you don’t take control and try to distract yourself to escape from your problems.

Now is the time for action. Chris Guillebeau Tweeted an interesting quote the other day, it stated that “Every Action is a Revolution” Take action to follow your dreams. They may be large or small but they are yours! Begin to take action today!

There is Power In Taking Action

Please! Please! Comment at the end of the post! I am excited to hear what you think!

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